Gods of Olympus Wikia


The Fountain is a small building under the Decorations build menu. It is a fountain splashing water surrounded by blue and yellow flowers.

  • This building may be purchased at level 2
  • It costs 10,000 Stone to build
  • The Fountain has a health of 100
  • You may build up to two of these buildings


1 Gem every 10 hours

Temples Temple of Aphrodite * Temple of Apollo * Temple of Ares * Temple of Artemis * Temple of Athena * Temple of Hades * Temple of Hera * Temple of Poseidon * Temple of Zeus
Houses Aphrodite House * Apollo House * Ares House * Artemis House * Athena House * Hades House * Hera House * Poseidon House * Zeus House
Towers Monument to Apollo * Monument to Artemis * Monument to Zeus
Spawners Monument to Ares * Monument to Athena * Monument to Hera * Monument to Poseidon
Hybrid Monument to Aphrodite * Monument to Hades
Towers Arrow Tower * Ballista Tower * Cyclops Tower * Greek Fire Tower * Archimedes Tower
Spawners Archery Range * Academy
Stone Stone Altar
Gold Golden Altar * Market
Gems Pond * Fountain * Flower Garden * Small Garden * Shaded Garden * Garden Pavilion * Pool
Stone Road * Garden Tree * Flowers * Stone Statue * Arches * Amphitheatre
Gold Gold Statue * Statue Pavilion